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"New QC Regulations" ab 1.7.13 - Hohe Elo-Hürden durch FIDE

Kategorie: News  12057 hits

Die Fide hat unter dem harmlosen Titel New QC Regulations einen wahren Verwaltungshorror für nationale Verbände und ELO-Träger in die Welt gesetzt. Man kann nur mit dem Kopf schütteln, was das 2013 Presidential Board da beschlossen hat.

Nur mit Player’s Name, Gender, Place & Year of Birth, Photo, Passport Number bei der FIDE-registrierte Spieler werden überhaupt ausgewertet. Neu hierbei ist Foto und vor allem die Nummer des Reisepasses.

Vermutliche Konsequenz: Elo-ausgewertete Amateur-Turniere dürften nach dem Stichtermin 1.7.2013 kaum noch zu finden sein.

Auf die nationalen Verbände kommt eine Herkules-Arbeit bei Umstellung ihrer Verwaltungs-Software und Erhebung der Daten zu, die wohl kaum in einem halben Jahr zu bewältigen ist.

Die  REGULATIONS ON REGISTRATION & LICENSING OF PLAYERS hier im vollen Wortlaut aus betreffendem Dokument:


Approved by 2013 Presidential Board

  1. All Players shall be required to register with their National Chess Federations (NCF). The  FIDE Regulations on Registration, Transfers and Eligibility shall apply.
  2. The NCF (or FIDE) shall issue the FIDE ID Number if the Player does not have one at  the time of registration. NCF will register the Player with FIDE by providing information containing the Player's Name, Gender, Place & Year of Birth, Photo,  Passport Number; FIDE ID Number (if any).
  3. FIDE/NCF shall issue the Player with a Player ID Card bearing the information from Rule 2 above.All information shall be maintained in the List of FIDE Licensed Players.
  4. A Player who registers to compete in any FIDE rated competition shall be required to  provide his FIDE ID Number.
  5. An Organizer receiving any registration must refer to the List of FIDE Licensed Players before accepting the registration.
  6. If an Organizer inadvertently accepted a Player without a valid License, the Organizer shall be penalized 50 Euro for every infringement. Such Players shall not have a FIDE ID Number and shall have no Federation Flag.
  7. Games played by Players without a valid License shall not count for rating for themselves. Games played against them by Licensed Players shall be counted.
  8. A NCF may subsequently (during or after the competition) register the Player mentioned in Rules 8 & 9 above provided a Late Payment Fee of 50 Euro is paid.
  9. Players without a License cannot play in any official FIDE or Continental competition.
  10. For each time a player who has been delisted by his NCF and subsequently re-listed, the payment is 20 Euro.

Aus den Rating Regulations sei noch auf die neuen Punkte hingewiesen, auf die die FIDE speziell hinweist:

5.2 Games played by players without a FIDE ID Number/License shall not count for rating for  themselves. Games played against them by Licensed Players shall be counted.

13.2 It is the responsibility of a player to register for a License with his national federation which will  issue the FIDE ID Number. Regulations of Registration & Licensing of Players apply.

Danke an Thomas Strobl für den Hinweis über diesen Sachverhalt.